Want to Make Money Posting Affiliate Links Social Media to the Rescue

This is Youtube Thumbnail for Auto Approve ShareASale Merchant Links
This is Youtube Thumbnail for Auto Approve ShareASale MerchantĀ Links

The Research is Done and you have your domain you are building your Affiliate Niche Website and have started to Add Merchants through an Affiliate Program such as ShareASale, Amazon, or Clickbank

Oh but wait some Merchants are looking for a lot of traffic to your site and you are just new So What to Do

You can immediately start posting links to Social Media with the Amazon and Clickbank Affiliate Network but the Merchants in ShareASale are looking for an Experienced Sales Person with a Traffic Filled Website Now What?

Hello, Medium Reader thank you for reading my Stories I enjoy writing on a daily basis and it helps me to be more creative and productive and Yes I still maintain my YouTube Channel DIY Affiliate Marketing as well as my main Blog, and am on Many Social Media Platforms.Download Free E-book How to Create an Affiliate Marketing Business Online for Beginners ā‹† DIYā€¦
I want you to Have this Ebook with all of the videos that were created in Building the Affiliate Marketing Businessā€¦interactiveveiws.com

This Medium allows me to put all my thoughts down and see which ones I will use in the videos and blogs so thank you for this space.

Getting back to the story when I first started to build a Youtube Channel I started creating videos before I had any experience in editing or listening to the sound quality or the silent spaces in between the times I was talking and giving instruction as the computer doing its thing.

My Actual First Introductory Channel Trailer Took Over 30 times to make. I started and listened and started and listened again it was just not good enough. It was only under 3 minutes but it took a couple of days to get it right and it still was not the best. That being said yes I have learned many new tips tricks and secrets since then.

One of the Most Important Lessons I learned was Repetition was the key to Mastering anything that you set your Intention and Mind to do.

When I was in Network Marketing a long time ago I learned the saying doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result was the definition of insanity. Really I did believe that but I also realized that there was something very important being left out.

Doing the same thing over and over will help you to do it better faster and if your mind is open will allow you to find the shortcuts to achieve your goals and is not the definition of insanity but the opposite (it will help you to stay saner) You will realize that it Gets Easier Each Time You Do It (Okay so what is the Point ) What does the Title have to do this? I am not sure but I will tie it all together soon

Letā€™s get back to the Title Want to Make Money Posting Affiliate Links Social Media to the Rescue (what does Repetition have to do with Posting Links?

Okay Stop Yelling here it is

Ask Yourself how many social media platforms are your On Where is your Presence Online? Where Do you have any infuluence in Online? What is your Representative Online ( Okay that one is easy Your Brand) Your Brand will show up even when you are not Present or Sleeping or Busy Somewhere Else. The Internet does not Sleep and either does Your BrandĀ . Whether you are activally buidling a Brand or the Internet is Branding you with it ownā€™s version of who you are it is the Representative of You and Your Digital Footprint and the Digital Content you have Created and Uploaded Forever. Your Presence will live on long after you are not here anymoreĀ .

Step One
Where are you found Online now pull out your notepad and start going to each one of your social media platforms listed Below If you are not on the Platform Create An AccountDIY Affiliate Marketing ā€“ Medium
#The DIY Affiliate (The_Diy_Affiliate) on Pinterest
The DIY Affiliate | I believe in the DIY Module in everything we do. You will find Everything DIY Do It Yourself Craftsā€¦www.pinterest.ca


overview for DIY-Affiliatediy-affiliate.tumblr.com

The DIY Affiliate (@DIY_Affiliate)




https://smart.bio/diy_affiliate_marketingRochelle Hayes | VK
DIY Affiliate Marketing, Canada ā€“ Gravatar Profile
Canada Hi, My name is Rochelle I am a Marketing Strategist and I help New Affiliate Beginners to Create and Market aā€¦en.gravatar.com
The DIY Affiliateā€™s World
This is the second video in a series of How to Create a Niche Affiliate Website. Watch the First One What is Hostgatorā€¦diyaffiliate.blogspot.com

DIY Affiliate

Here is a quick word about Google Voice Typing

Google voice typing I had just put nail polish on and it was It was still drying and I knew that I could not be typing on the keyboard but it was getting late so I decided to Open My Google Docs and use Voice Typing

Presentation is everything when it comes to Sharing Content on Social Media. Each Social Media Platform has its own Content Dimensions to use when creating a Post. Platforms are trying to be unique in their own way so if a Post is done for another Platform and shared to Letā€™s say Facebook or Twitter it Just Looks Wrong. In a way it like saying this Post is not(Part) of the Platform.

Pinterest Facebook Instagram Reddit Lincoln Tumblr Twitter the ones that I can think of off the top of my head are all different and use different demissions in their Post Presentations (Canvas)

You could Not do one post and share it so many different Social Media Platforms Most of the Posts would end up looking just wrong it does not work that way, yes we would be saving a lot of Time but Losing a Lot of Views and Interest in the Content Itselffacebook sizes ā€“ Google Search
Please click here if you are not redirected within a few seconds. Recommended upload size of 1,200 x 628 pixels. Squareā€¦bit.ly

twitter sizes ā€“ Google Search
Please click here if you are not redirected within a few seconds. Twitter in-stream image sizeĀ : 1024 x 512 pixelsā€¦bit.ly

LinkedIn image sizes ā€“ Google Search
Please click here if you are not redirected within a few seconds. LinkedIn post image sizeĀ : 1200 x 1200 (desktop) 1200ā€¦bit.ly

Pinterest sizes ā€“ Google Search
Please click here if you are not redirected within a few seconds. While a Pinterest image size of 735 by 1102 pixels isā€¦bit.

Instagram sizes ā€“ Google Search
www.tailwindapp.com ā€ŗĀ ā€¦ ā€ŗ Social Media Tips & Tricks ā€ŗ Tailwind Blogbit.

Twittersizes ā€“ Google Search
Please click here if you are not redirected within a few seconds. Twitter in-stream image sizeĀ : 1024 x 512 pixelsā€¦bit.ly

Look at your NotePad Where Are You Online (If you have visited every one of the links above and you have a Presence on EveryOne then

Move To StepĀ Two

Put all Your Links in One Place Watch this Video to Help You

Step Three

Get Your Links Together for ShareASale Amazon and ClickBank

watch thisVideo

Oh by the Way here is the Video

How to Get Auto Approved Get ShareASale Merchant Text Links Today Start Making Money Now

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